Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sweet, Raspberry Abundance

Yesterday I had the great pleasure, for the second consecutive weekend, to pick raspberries from my garden.  I would suggest that if you ever want to be reminded of abundance pick fruit.  For that matter, if you are so blessed with a garden, I thoroughly recommend growing some form of vegetable or fruit.  There is something truly magnificent about getting down and dirty with nature.

This is my third year of picking from these raspberry bushes.  Each year I get a little wiser and a little smarter in the ways of picking.  This year in particular has seen this activity become a fabulous meditation.  I clear my mind and with a stool, a pair of gloves (raspberries are a little prickly in case you didn't know), and my trusty bucket I go forth and gather sweetness.  And yet as I moved through those thorny bushes I could not help at marvel at the analogy to life.  I would be constantly amazed as I turned over a new leaf only to find a cluster of sweet, juicy, ripe raspberries.  Those little berries were often hidden from plain sight but when I searched with a knowing I always found more.  If anything, after nearly two hours I had to stop, some 7 pounds of raspberries the richer. 

After a couple of weekends picking I am now 8 large jars of raspberry jam the richer.  I shall have the pleasure of enjoying jam that was the fruit of my planting, picking and preparing.  To have an opportunity of producing what I eat is quite humbling.  Nature may be beautiful to behold, but awareness of the Truth behind all things, of the Infinite source and supply that surrounds us is a richer blessing still.

Know the Flow as you go, my friends.


  1. MMm. I miss having a garden. This will be an odd request, but I need to get in touch with you to ask you something. I'm from Elentiri. Do you still check your GP Mail?

  2. I have not checked my gp mail in a long time. Feel free to email me at carmien_owen at shaw.ca (making the obvious adjustments, such as replacing at with @)
