Saturday, July 2, 2011

A Recap, a Celebration!

I just submitted an article to a newsletter about my journey over the past two and a half years.  I thought I would share this through my blog.  After all, this platform has been central to my evolving purpose.

It all began on the 23rd of January, 2009, at a day retreat of growth and celebration with other Practitioners, led by Linda Watson. During that day we were invited to write down what flowed through us about our purpose. I remember writing a piece and reading it out. The reaction of the room was palpable, feeling like a mix between the nurturing attentiveness of a mother to a newborn and the insightful gaze that a veteran teacher brings to the classroom. Except in this case, I was the innocent newborn. How little I realized what this would lead to.

After reading my passage aloud Linda suggested that I should write more. During the next break a couple of people asked me if I blogged. And by the end of the day this insecure adolescent had aspirations to self-publish through the Internet. I knew that I was going to blog (which plainly put, amounts to posting journal entries to a website).

Within a week I had had done my homework, and I reasoned that if nothing else this blog would serve as a compelling way to get me to journal. After all, I had just begun my Practitioner Studies and each class was checking in about our practice. Within a month I started to realize that this experience was transforming me. I had a yearning to bring my spirituality together with my technical experience and knew that the first step had been taken. The innocent newborn was growing. And so I continued to blog through 2009. By the end of the year I had published 100 blogs. But as is the case, when we step into the Flow it steps into us. What had started as a desire to express was now transforming.

During a meditation in early 2010 the idea of logging into something called Second Life popped into my awareness. I’d never used this technology before. But I had vaguely heard about it and after a brief bit of research I discovered that some very clever people had created this virtual three-dimensional world, complete with an economy and over 1.5 million people involved.

I logged in to Second Life and started to learn my way around. After the initial adjustment and learning curve I quickly realized that Second Life contained a multitude of expressions, from social gatherings, cities using it for planning, to churches in celebration. I was staggered by the potential of this and in mind the realization became obvious – such an environment transcended the limitations of the physical world. I was meeting people from all walks and locations of life. The seed of this virtual ministry was planted within me!

I quickly discovered groups of common interest and found a Buddhist meditation community. At the time I was struck by fusion of simplicity and magnificence of it all. Of course people could meditate together through the Internet. The apparent fact that I’m thousands of miles away from those I’m meditating from may be a shift from the experience of being in the same room, but as I meditated with those Buddhists two realizations were revealed. Firstly, I now knew why I was here. Their practice was not quite what I was looking for, but I was here to expand my meditation practice. And secondly, space was a limitation only within our minds.

I spent the next month searching groups, looking for a virtual community that would align with my philosophy, my belief system. And finding nothing that quite aligned, I founded a Second Life group called ‘Community for Spiritual Living’ and decided to start offering guided meditations. People started showing up for my daily 9.30pm meditations. Within a year the group had grown to over 200 members and there were a couple of people showing up every day for Meditation.

One person in particular stands out and after a while I got to hear her story.  Whilst I held her in truth and had formed an environment for her to meditate that she could relate to, she did the work and ‘spent the spiritual coin’.  From being someone contemplating suicide, who had been unemployed for over 2 years, she has not only gotten herself her dream job but is now leading meditations for others!  She attributes much of this to the Community for Spiritual Living and our daily meditations (her testimony even formed one of my demonstration letters to License as a Practitioner).

From this humble beginning a remarkable series of events have unfolded. And whilst this is not the article to highlight all the details, my purpose is evolving. I’m working with a web-designer to upgrade my blog to a fully-blown website ( that will be released to production at the end of July, 2011. That website will include sections on spiritual coaching (for my Professional Practitioner practice, using tools such as Skype), my spiritual poetry, daily affirmations, affirmative prayers and a practice I call Revealing Eternal Presence Meditation. For you see, what began as a way of strengthening my meditation practice has now transformed into the revealing of a beautiful meditation practice that is a repeatable process of release, that serves as a wonderful tool for releasing those old beliefs, values and mental conditionings that clog that pathway between the objective and subjective mind. I am even recording meditation podcasts that will make this practice available to anyone.

I am signed up to enter Ministerial Studies this September. I don’t know how things will play out, but my purpose is crystal clear. The insecure newborn of 1-23 is now stepping into adulthood, and my purpose to inspire and serve the revealing of Eternal Presence has just begun. If you would add this ministry to your Affirmative Prayers, knowing the perfect of expression and expansion of these teachings, I would be most grateful. Know the Flow and be happy, dear sisters and brothers-in-light.

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