Monday, January 19, 2009

Consciousness of lack in the world

When we come to realize the grace of God how bright we must appear in the world. With the great privilege and honour of assisting others as bearers of the light comes the responsibility of knowing our worth.

Where am I with my sense of worthiness in my life?
The good and bad of my life have taught me compassion. In particular, looking back upon the bad and realizing where I now am makes it easier to love others caught in their illusion of bad. But more than that, I can know what they truly are and the potential of what they could be, should they so choose.

Through practice I have come to more regularly feel the presence of God. In such moments I do not need courage. I am connected to Infinite power and cannot be shaken. In exposing my own stories to myself for what they are I find my compassion. In the midst of compassion I can see the Cause in others in spite of the Effects. And the more I practice, the more readily I can recognize when I am not in the presence of God.

I have come through a desert of self-esteem from a place where the water of knowing my worth was barren. Where I would seek to shout aloud from the rooftops to tell the world how good I was, only to suffer as people heard the underlying tone in my voice that echoed the lack I hid within my heart.

And now as I look to today I see through eyes brimming with self-esteem that I do not need to shout but to be full so that I may support. It is my time now to simply be, because with God within I can think of nothing more worthwhile than the God that I am.

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