Thursday, April 30, 2009

A World Without You

Sometimes we get to feel vulnerable. In the depths of the valley of life we can find ourselves looking for the treeline and the sky only to see fog. Sometimes we lose sight of our bearings near and far.

Sometimes it takes time and healing to bounce back. There are times where inspite of your best efforts that people will be caught in their moment and share their feelings. You may not be expecting this. You may find your emotions reeling and face reddening because the moment that others are in does not allow much space for a wider perspective.

Catching glimpses of the blue sky and treeline, and climbing from the troughs to the peaks of these valleys is a journey. Mountains are irregular, and valleys far from linear. The art of feeling vulnerable is as much about remembering you are loved as it is being able to rekindle your imagination to know your purpose and vision. Accepting vulnerability is a step towards Oneness.

Sometimes this rekindling is triggered by loved ones and friends, who with the most compassionate of thoughts reach out with their light to ignite your wick. At other times we see the beautiful Spark within and are inflamed by our own connection.

Whatever the case maybe you should know the Universe (or Spirit, God, or whatever name you choose to use to label the source of your faith) cannot imagine a world without you. And that the clearer you are on this the clearer your vision will be.

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