Saturday, March 13, 2010

Seeing Through the Eyes of Love

Sometimes we don't like people.  We don't like what they do, how they express themselves, how irrational we feel they may act, or how unexpectedly they may surprise us with curve-balls.  And that's OK.

The first thought that comes to mind is based on the idea of projection (a Psychology term) which basically boils down to - if we notice something in another and it bothers us it's most likely a clue from the Universe that we need to look within.

I've had a very interesting experience the past couple of weeks.  It turns out that I've managed to attract someone into my life that fits into the above description.  Initially my reaction was to try and ignore them.  And then I found myself feeling 'anxious' about what they were saying.  Fortunately I found myself thinking back to an observation around the 12 step group I visited a short while back.  One of the symptoms was that children of alcoholic parents (and dysfunctional, drug-infested, abusive family environments) tend to seek approval; their sense of self-worth is shot and often self-esteem is an issue. 

I also believe that I've done a LOT of work around self-worth over the past few years.  Yet as I look within I know that often the subconsious blocks, those wounds and beliefs of the past, are rarely one shot deals - or, one fix doesn't always mean you're done.  Sometimes you have a series of beliefs and wounds to heal, and sometimes that may take years.  Each healed wound becomes one less block, and one day you really have grown through the lesson.  And since I have obviously been visited by this experience challenging me to know my self-worth then obviously I have work yet to do.

With this realization came a few insights:
  • I have manifested people in my experience who are challenging me by disapproving of everything I say/write, quite unexpectedly
  • This was evoking anxiety
  • And when you feel anxiety that's a sure sign that your attention is focused on 'without'.  The best cure to anxiety is to shift your focus to within, to love.
And with those realizations the answer became obvious - I needed to step back from my observations about their behaviour and focus on seeing the Divine in them.  I might not have to like their behaviour but that should never negate the Truth about them and that they are an expression of the Divine.  It is essential that regardless of my like for anyone I must ALWAYS see them through the eyes of Love.

Immediately the sense of anxiety disappeared.  I marvelled at the moment.  I even decided to play with the feeling.  I returned my thinking to the other person, and their behaviour.  And sure enough, the anxiety returned.  A moment later, with a smile on my face, I turned the anxiety off.

Yes, it really was as simple as that. 

Regardless of what others do I can always look upon them through eyes of Love.  And when I look in this way, recognizing that we're all One, I am looking upon myself in love.  This is compassion in action.  Compassion will never co-exist with anxiety, just as fear will never co-exist with love.

Know the Flow as you go

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