Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Humbling of Purpose, the Insight of Visioning

After the last blog about my story of getting clear on my purpose I was struck by a number of conversations with some readers.  During the ensuing conversation one comment really jumped out at me and reminded me of something I'd forgotten about in my own journey; how overwhelming it can be to start the journey of working out what one's purpose should be.  I was reminded that when we start delving past the ego into the Truth of who we are, to that part of us that is Source, we may begin to experience all sorts of resistances, subtle or gross. 

Doing work on purpose is not an exercise that should be taken lightly.  On one hand, we may find ourselves experiencing the flow of inspiration as we effortlessly pen our purpose.  On the other hand, we may sit down only to stumble upon a pile of blank rocks blocking the way.  Now that I think about it I believe I had quite a lot of rocks to move before my purpose revealed itself.  And as I indicated in the blog on purpose when you find your soul's purpose you'll know.  It'll move you in a beautiful way.

When looking to clarify my purpose I uncovered resistance that was about worthiness.  Some lofty ideas had started to reveal themselves through the process and it wasn't long before feelings around self-worth started to emerge.  This is not to say that everyone will face this same challenge, just that my journey has involved significant doses of low self-esteem.  A number of people in my younger years got me to agree that life is hard, that I wasn't worth much and that I would always struggle.  But then I am far from being alone in having heard such beliefs and, in the innocence of youth, making an agreement with them.

And so when the conversation turned to a sharing about reading the blog on purpose and feeling overwhelmed I was reminded of more details in my own experience.  I remembered that before I had come to a realization of purpose I had tried visioning. 

Visioning is a process that was refined by Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith.  Simply put it's about the coming together of meditation and questions asked of that part of us that is Spirit to reveal more about purpose.  The questions below were significantly inspired by him, with only minor modifications on my part. 

Rather than delve into the thinking or history around the process of visioning I now offer it for your consideration.  Don't take my word for it.  Try it out for yourself.  If it works, and you get clarity around your purpose, then let us know.  And if it doesn't work for you, then set it aside.  Please leave comments regardless of the outcome.  There can be much we can learn from the shared success or differences of others.

Meditation and Visioning
You will need to get your journal (or some paper) and a pen for this.  Writing is an important part of visioning. 

Begin by making sure you are physically comfortable.  Now focus on your breathing through the nose.  Maintain this focus on your breathing.  Observe the breath as it enters your nostrils, as it pauses at the peak of full lungs, and then continue observing the breath as it departs your body.  You may notice that your breathing softens and becomes lighter.  However, do not try to control your breathing.  Just observe your breath exactly as it is.

Do not be concerned with thoughts that enter your mind.  If you should realize you've forgotten to focus on your breathing smile to yourself; for in this realization you have now gifted yourself the opportunity to return your awareness to your breath.

This focus of the breath can be a great way to soothe an agitated mind.  Do you feel relaxed yet?  Excellent, then continue.  When doing work on visioning it is important that we have a relaxed state of mind.  When you feel at peace, with a calm and relaxed mind then continue.  Spend as much time as you need to reach this state.  There is no time limit to meditation and if you need to come back to this another time that is perfect as well.

Now shift your focus to your heart.  Instead of focusing on the physical sensation of the breath focus instead upon the physical sensations around the heart area, at the centre of your chest.  As you proceed through the following questions be aware of any sensations, emotions, feelings, images, sounds, memories, ideas, visions or even smells that arise.  Open your eyes and write down whatever comes to your awareness. 
  1. What is the highest vision or Divine idea for the expression of my Soul purpose?
  2. What must I become to be an avenue through  which this vision manifests?
  3. What must I release?
  4. What must I embrace?
  5. What must I commit to, in order to live this vision?
  6. Is there any other information that wants to be revealed in this moment?
After asking each question return your awareness to your breathing for a few minutes (I liken this to the equivalent of tasting the ginger in between sampling a sushi cucumber or tofu roll - this brief focus on breath will be like cleansing your mental palette and clearing the path for the next question). Once your mind is still once more, return your focus to your heart area before asking the next question. Repeat this process for each question.

Like any practice it is pointless to predict if this will work for you.  My only advice is to try this visioning exercise.  If it works for you, if it conjures inspiration and ideas then that is wonderful.  If you try this exercise and have questions then please feel to comment below or email me at  And if nothing seems to happen then do not be concerned.  In fact, during my first attempt at visioning nothing much came up at all.  I seem to recall feeling a discomfort in my body and nothing of note.  If you really feel this doesn't work for you then set it down.  However, if you can I suggest that you keep trying and regardless of the apparent success or failure.  And if you do find something in this tool that works for you then know that visioning is more than a one-off exercise.  It can be something you do several times a year.

Know the Flow and be happy.

1 comment:

  1. I have done this a few times. Each time another part gets a little clear to me. The last time I saw how much I wanted to support people in seeing how much they are loved and for me to feel the love flow through me into all of life around me. Now to me this sounds very odd, but 8 months ago it sounded odd to want to be helpful(I was unemployed). I now have a wonderful job being very helpful.
