Wednesday, November 16, 2011

This Blog Has Moved To

Nearly three years after starting this blog on the free service, Blogger, I've finally made the leap to a new WordPress site.  If you've landed here (or received an email with this blog) please be sure to reset your bookmarks to:

There will be no more blog posts through this site.

The new site has lots of exciting new features.  When you subscribe you can now specify which categories of blog post you will recieve.  I'm also delighted to announce that over the coming months I will be publishing my new series of guided meditation recordings titled, Revealing Eternal Presence Meditation.  Along with being available to play through a browser-based player, these podcasts will be available through iTunes as well as other podcasting directories.

In short, the new Know The Flow site is designed to be easier to navigate.  Upon close examination you'll no doubt come to realize that for the most part this new site is really a glorified blog.  Many of the navigation headings are simply organizers of blogs by categories.  The overarching goal is to make it a simpler and more interesting experience.  And thanks to some outstanding creative genius from Kory (the webmaster) and Andrea (the graphic designer) it really is a much prettier site!

In closing, I do have one request that relates to a new feature.  Next to each post on the new site are buttons for Twitter and Facebook.  When a post grabs your interest please click either (or both) or those buttons.  This will forward these posts into your respective Facebook and Tweet-streams, and will serve to get the word out there.  I make the effort with this site because I believe it helps to make a difference in the world.  Supporting me by clicking these buttons a wonderful way to help me in vision of inspiring and serving the Revealing of Eternal Presence.

Know the Flow and be happy,

Now blogging at

Daily Affirmation - November 16

“To attain knowledge, add things every day. To attain wisdom, remove things every day.” - Lao Tzu
Affirmation for today:
I know the impermanence of all things and live every moment as a meditation of the Divine.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Affirmative Prayer - I am Divinely Inspired

"Spiritual mind practice is the very essence of faith.  It is the essence of conviction - an act of assurance; a complete surrender of the will to a willingness to believe; a complete abandonment of thought to the Invisible." - Ernest Holmes

I Am Divinely Inspired

There is One Eternal Presence.  This Eternal Presence is God, is within me, and knows me as part of itself.  I affirm my union with Eternal Presence knowing that it expresses through and as me, and through every living being.

I am ever aware of what there is for me to know.  Even when I think I do not know there is always a part of me that does.  I am divinely inspired by the Infinite intelligence of Eternal Presence.  With clarity and grace I surrender to God knowing that the answer I need is always apparent. 

When I experience resistance I am at peace knowing that any experience that runs counter to my desire is but a temptation to turn away from an awareness of love.  In such moments of resistance I consciously and intelligently ask God what there is for me to learn. 

My mind is sharp and filled with the awareness of Truth.  I am ever developing the faculty of awareness and I am awestruck by the unfolding perfection of every moment.  Through my deepening awareness I experience a wondrous harmony and peace.  I celebrate the opportunity to practice giving up control and any sense of separation.  I give thanks for every step that I take on the path of awakening. 

With deep gratitude I impress this affirmative prayer upon the Creative Law with a harmonious knowing that it is already done.  And so it is.

Daily Affirmation - November 15

"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone." - Neale Donald Walsch
Affirmation for today:
I am comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Daily Affirmation - November 14

“You never will be the person you can be if pressure, tension and discipline are taken out of your life.” - James G. Bilkey
Affirmation for today:
Harmony fills my heart and discipline inspires my thinking.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Daily Affirmation - 11/11/11

“The period of greatest gain in knowledge and experience is the most difficult period in one’s life.”- Dalai Lama

Affirmation for today:
I delight in the adversity that helps me awaken.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Daily Affirmation - November 10

“No matter what difficulty you are facing, it is coming from Divine Light to bring you to a higher place within. Write down every conceivable reason that this situation can contribute towards your growth. Write down every way this experience can possibly set the stage for serving to uplift others. When you are complete, and have come to the other side of this experience, you will then know 'why' it happened.” - Barbara Rose
Affirmation for today:
I know what needs to change in me for this condition to change.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Daily Affirmation - November 9

“Even the most daring and accomplished people have undergone tremendous difficulty. In fact, the more successful they became, the more they attributed their success to the lessons learned during their most difficult times. Adversity is our teacher. When we view adversity as a guide towards greater inner growth, we will then learn to accept the wisdom our soul came into this life to learn.” - Barbara Rose
Affirmation for today:
I meet who I am in service and recognize God.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Daily Affirmation - November 8

"Each difficult moment has the potential to open my eyes and open my heart." - Myla Kabat-Zinn
Affirmation for today:
I greet all experiences with a harmonious awareness and an open heart.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Affirmative Prayer - November 7

"Even God can give you nothing until you make up your mind about what to expect." - Ernest Holmes

I Am Liberated

There is One Life, One Eternal Presence.  This Life is God, this Life is perfect, and this Life is my life now.  I recognize and celebrate Eternal Presence being revealed through every living being in every moment.

Clarity and grace are the truth of my life.  I surrender to Eternal Presence and set a clear intent for the expression of God as me at all times.  I rejoice in the awareness of Love in each moment.  The world I experience transforms to the mental equivalent of my expectancy and harmonious awareness.  With this mindset of harmonious awareness I celebrate that the Law of Cause and effect as it responds to my spiritual practice and dissolves old thought-patterns from the deepest levels of my mind.   I am liberated.

I give thanks for every step that I take on the path of awakening and for the old thought-patterns that are released right here and right now.  I give up control and surrender to being an instrument of Eternal Presence.   With deep gratitude I release these words, and allow the release of old ideas and beliefs that no longer serve me.  I impress this affirmative prayer upon the Creative Law with a knowing that it is already done.  I know the result is automatic for it can be no other way. And so it is.

Daily Affirmation - November 7

“Do not feed your ego and your problems, with your attention. ...Slowly, surely, the ego will lose weight, until one fine day it will be nothing but a thin ghost of its former self. You will be able to see right through it, to the divine presence that shines in each of us.” - Eknath Easwaran

Affirmation for today:
I am aware of the Eternal Presence of God and see the truth shining through all.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Daily Affirmation - November 4

"What the Law of Mind knows in one place It knows simultaneously and instantly everywhere." - Ernest Holmes 

Affirmation for today:
I might not know but there is always a part of me that does.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Daily Affirmation - November 3

"Spiritual mind practice is the very essence of faith.  It is the essence of conviction - an act of assurance; a complete surrender of the will to a willingness to believe; a complete abandonment of thought to the Invisible." - Ernest Holmes 

Affirmation for today:
I surrender my will to a willingness to believe in Eternal Presence.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Old Memories - Cirque du Soleil

Last night I saw the Michael Jackson Immortal World tour with the Cirque du Soleil.  This was the third time I've seen them live and it seems like every time I see them they get better.  Either they are maturing over time or I am open to more possibilities as I age.

I shall settle for both being true.

And on that note, I wanted to share something.  I will happily confess that as a teenager I enjoyed Michael Jackson's music.  My passion for dancing has not abated over the years and as you might imagine I spent many an afternoon learning from a master dancer with friends. 

What was interesting was that during the show many memories were conjured for me.  I remembered spending time with friends practicing dance moves, excited that we'd get to hit the dance floor that night.  I attribute many a spin and fancy dance move to Michael and his creative genius.

I was also struck by the emotions that surfaced as I watched the creative genius of the Cirque pay tribute to this pop icon.  I suspect that many of Michael's fans had a similar experience.  However, I found myself observing the sensations that arose. 

Instinctively I shifted into a meditative awareness.  An emotion would surface and would be followed by a specific memory related to it.  But the meditator in me could not help but note that this sensation, and image, would pass away.  As a result I found myself fully enjoying the show.  I was completely present.

On the way back to the car I found myself processing what had just happened and suddenly felt an excruciating pain in my right foot.  The pain became so intense that I had to stop walking.  Again, the meditator in me noted that the pain was impermanent and I told myself that it would pass away (awareness of the true nature of sensations is something that is integral to my approach to meditation).  I started walking again and after a few minutes the pain was completely gone. 

I immediately realized that by being present to the emotional memories from my childhood evoked by the show I had been able to allow a process of release.  I had gained an insight about my childhood. But more importantly, I had facilitated whatever had needed to shift deep within my subconscious mind.

It was a magical night, but directly experiencing truth in action only added to the magic of the soul.  If you find yourself in such a moment, where intense emotional memories from the past surface, strive to be present.  Know that the emotions you are experiencing will inevitably pass away.  Such a harmonious awareness will do much to help you release what needs to be released from the past.  And who knows, by being fully present you may get to experience even more magic in the moment.

Daily Affirmation - November 2

"What we should pay attention to is our own inward awareness, building up an expectancy, increasing faith, stretching consciousness out to include more." - Ernest Holmes 

Affirmation for today:
I pay attention to my inward awareness and invite opportunities to stretch my consciousness.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Daily Affirmation - November 1

"This practice is not a mental coercion, it is not mental suggestion.  It is mental awareness, a spiritual awareness of the mind." - Ernest Holmes 

Affirmation for today:
I am aware of that Eternal part of my mind that is perfect, whole and complete.