Monday, August 30, 2010

Touching the Heart

Last night I was touched in a big way, by a couple of little things.  As you may know I facilitate a meditation circle every night in Second Life. 

One of the regular participants, Elizabeth, had sent out a message to another Second Life group letting them know about the meditation circle.  But what struck me was what was in the message.  In short, she wrote that she was enjoying seeing that people who had been showing up to do the work and regularly practicing meditation were seeing transformation in their lives. 

When you set an intent to go into service, to inspire and support the transformation of consciousness, there is nothing quite like hearing the stories of the transformation people are going through to crack your heart open.  And so you can imagine my joy when as we started another regular participant shared her story of the past week or so.  Not only had she manifested abundance in her life to meet a critical financial need, but she spoke about the deep realization she has been having.  She explained that the deep challenges of the past few days had really taught her about the joy of living in the present and recognizing fear as thoughts.  She was truly learning, she said, for the first time in her life that fear is not real, it is an illusion conjured by our thoughts and hidden beliefs.  Her story spoke not only of the work she has done but the realization she is having, and the way in which her life is being transformed.

Last night both these friends touched my heart.  I have been showing up every night at 9.30pm, since February 8th, 2010, to lead a meditation with people through the Internet.  Some might wonder how this works?  Some have wondered if meditating with others through the Internet isn't a little strange (it is different, but connecting at the spiritual level doesn't require time and space to happen; Spirit is in the now).  And others have celebrated the Internet being used in such a way.  I have always said that I would show up to meditate alone, regardless of who else shows up (although I realized last night that in over 200 sessions that there have always been others choosing to show up and meditate).  And those that show up are doing amazing work.  I have watched them change their lives, and start stepping into an amazing consciousness.  It is impossible to put into words the impact to see people make these changes for themselves.  And it is very humbling to witness God in action.  I'm just someone who shows up holding consciousness for the transformation of consciousness, and yet how blessed am I to be able to witness the work being done!

But the greatest blessing of all?  Becoming clearer every day of my vision to live in ministry.  And it has already begun.

Know the Flow as you go, my brothers and sisters in light.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Some of the Pleasant Stuff

And so, at the end of the day, following my previous blog I found myself in a meeting with a client.  Not only has more work showed up instantly, but more importantly, I have begun a period of transformation.

I am not clear on the 'how', but that is good.  I am starting a process of visioning.  It has been a while since I last did a visioning for myself and I am drawn to feel that this is a good time to do so.  I do celebrate what happened to me that day.  Not only did I learn to let some old beliefs and ideas go, but I have become just a little clearer about how to live in surrender. 

Thursday, August 26, 2010

God is in All, Especially the Unpleasant Stuff

I am writing this having experienced a series of interesting events.  A couple of weeks ago I had asked for a sign regarding what I should do regarding my business.  Over the past couple of days a situation went south on my current business engagement.  In fact, it seems the Universe executed a pincer maneuver on my plans.  On one hand, a technology upgrade from the software vendor bombed (big time, and completely beyond my control).  On the other hand, the client informed me that they've just discovered the reason the project has been installed for a month was that their IT department in head office is working on a strategy that undermines the whole project (also completely beyond my control).

And yet I cannot help but know that God is in this.  Over the past year I've tried to expand my business to the next level on two occasions and both times things did not proceed.  Recently I was reviewing what had happened and concluded that perhaps the business was not expanding because I've also been focusing on my spiritual ministry.  From the point of 'where am I putting my creative energy' I have to confess that I've been imprinting mixed messages to the Divine.

Even as I started to write this blog, I got an email from the administrator with the client saying that they couldn't restore the technology because their Database Administrator didn't have the backup from Sunday (again, completely beyond my control).  I asked for a sign, alright!

And yet I cannot help but know that God is in this.  With this in mind I have begun re-evaluating my business vision.  An idea came to mind to send an email to a business contact.  I see it was putting out a feeler to God.  If I am truly meant to shift into a new business role then I surrender to events as they unfold.  If I have an intuition to email someone I had met for lunch about a business partnership to see if they're interested in bringing me into their organization, then I know God is in that.

As I write this a part of me is very calm; even as everything that I know regarding my business and the professional efforts of the past 2 years is experiencing a series of challenges.  Yet, I am not attached.  The old me would have struggled with things like, this being my fault, my having been a failure, or whatever.  Instead of suffering I am sitting here in faith.  Yes, it is not very pleasant.  A part of me feels a little sad, but that sadness is fading as I write this blog, as I embrace the spiritual practice of journalling, as I share and live my growth and transformation with strangers through an Internet blog, as I retain my awareness that God is in every event.

God is in all of this, ESPECIALLY the unpleasant stuff.  If you feel drawn to hold me in your prayers I would be grateful.  I know that the right and perfect outcome is already so with regards to my business and professional expression.  I know that I am excited by the opportunity to share my gifts and talents within a business environment, where I am valued and inspired by the opportunity bring amazing solutions to clients ready for the talents I bring, and working within a culture that resonates with my philosophy and passion.

Know the Flow as you go my friends.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Meditation, a Powerful Tool for Transformation

Sometimes things happen and are said that just blow you away.  Tonight I logged into second life and was greeted with the following message:
"Thanks to the meditations that i came to and the power of positive thinking you have helped me lose 50 lbs and i am now down to 255 pounds."
I like to think that I do not do this for recognition.  I don't log into Second Life every night to facilitate meditation to have someone say something like this.  But it is very inspiring to hear this sort of testimony.  This person has shown up and done the work.  I actually did very little except perhaps remind them of what they had within, the potential of their own power. 

More importantly, it's clear that they have embarked upon a daily spiritual practice.  I was thinking earlier on that for me the daily practice at clearing away the chatter and quietening the mind has helped me to become more skilful at managing my mind.  In turn, my life has been transformed.  And as I read that message I can   see that they are showing up and practicing. 

Meditation is only a tool.  But it is one of the most powerful tools I know to support one who travels the spiritual path.  I have the feeling that this person has only just begun.  Once you see a transformation like this in your life as a result of daily spiritual practice your belief and faith grows.  The only suggestion I would add is; keep it up!  If you know a tool is working for you, keep using it.

Know the Flow as you go, my friends.  If you knew how much love you are surrounded by you would never know fear again.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

God is Everywhere and Every Time

This past weekend has been a wonderful retreat. I have to say that comparing this retreat to previous experiences, where I went away to a beautiful setting and was taught by experienced spiritual teachers, that I feel just as wholly alive and wonderful. It’s not that beautiful settings and very profound expressions of the Divine wouldn’t quicken the opportunity for direct experience and transformation. It’s that I figured out that for all the preparations I’d been making to go on retreat, the only thing I really needed was me…and a shift in my state of mind.

Perhaps therein I can observe an interesting spiritual trap. Speaking for myself at least, I have grown accustomed to the idea that going away on retreat somehow adds to the experience. Or that having experienced spiritual masters will somehow make that difference. And yet if God truly is everywhere and through everyone then surely God will be found wherever we are? Or to put it more simply, I don’t need to be on the top of a mountain listening to someone playing the bagpipes in the valley and speaking about their methodology and mythology for living as a mystic to directly experience God. My great learning for this weekend – I found direct experience and a wonderful sense of peace right where I was.

Would it have been nice to have the retreat with James Golden? Sure. He actually delivered a 2 hour talk this afternoon. Given that my day so far has consisted of yoga, meditation, reflection at Church, and then his 2 hour session, it actually felt like the day of one of those special retreats. And in the end I found myself connecting with many wonderful people in the process.

If I were to be asked what did I learn from this retreat? Well, the answer would be a list of things:
  • Looking for the right spiritual path, spiritual outcome, or right teacher (or all) is like looking for a tool, when the important thing is actually your hand. A sculptor wouldn’t say their chisel created the statue after all.
  • The path is your own. Whatever you decide about the outcome is actually insignificant to how you go about living life. There are as many spiritual paths as there are individuals. The reality is that the only teaching that is for you is your spiritual journey (which really is the essence behind the idea of how I can say I had went on retreat by myself and am having a beautiful direct experience as I write this blog).
  • Living your spiritual journey is not a part-time effort. Trying to take the spiritual journey as a hobby simply won’t deliver the depth. However, having walked and lived my spiritual path during this weekend has helped me make some considerable progress. 
  • I had previously blogged about wanting to get clear about my goals and around business and ministry. My goal is now to have a state of mind that my spiritual practice is something that fills all of my time. I also know that I will not intentionally set this practice down. I may lose touch with Divine feeling and the inspiration I am currently aware of. There are many expressions of forgetfulness around us that Ernest Holmes would call race consciousness. I like to call it cultural consciousness myself. In short, people are very much caught up in limitations and beliefs around all sorts of things: People aren’t doing it right, politics are wrong, we’re headed into a double-dip recession, there’s not enough to go around, and the Earth is being brutalized. Don’t get me wrong, it’s good to help and support others and the needs they have. Caring is an extension of giving, and giving with love means you will receive with love. And yet, living as a contemporary mystic is a delicate balance between participation and involvement. Figuring out how to bring your spiritual values, how to be impeccable with your thought, word, and deed, into every aspect of your life is your spiritual path.
I did learn more, but occurs to me that not only will I benefit from processing this weekend, but you might benefit from not having to read pages and pages in one sitting. Besides, as James Golden so beautiful pointed out this morning, as he took about 90 seconds to prepare to deliver his talk on stage, take your time. There’s nowhere to go, nothing to do, but to simply be and surrender.

I will sign off with the final thought for now. Ernest Holmes once said that ‘God is everywhere’. This is actually a foundation of the Science of Mind teachings. I’d like to elaborate on that. God is everywhere and every time.

Know the Flow as you go, my friends. You are more loved than you could possibly imagine.

A Shout out to Citizen

This weekend has been filled with many wonderful insights, and a transformation or two (which I will blog about later).  However, before I get to that I wanted to make a shout out to Citizen.

This morning at church the guest soloist was introduced with the statement that they'd never had a Hip Hop artist perform at the Centre.  And so Citizen got up and proceeded to perform two of his songs.  The easiest way to describe his music is to call it spiritual hip hop with a hint of drum and bass.  Of course, I'm perhaps showing my age and my background.  Allow me to explain.

When I was in my late teens I went through a huge rap, hip hop, and breakdancing phase.  It was the thing of the time amongst me and my friends.  And given the poet I am it should come as no surprise to you to read that I spent some moments of my own on the mic.

And with his CD in my car player I had the opportunity to spend the rest of the day driving around with the music of Citizen.  He's good live, but man, his CD is one the best rap mixes I've heard in a long time.  But what's got me so excited?  Well, the lyrics.  This is an artist who fits lines like 'Om Shanti Om' in his rhymes. 

If you want to take a look for yourself, go to and take a look at the music of citizen.

Know the Flow as you go, my friends.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Sign

I have had the great blessing to spend the past day or so in retreat.  I did want to share a onederful moment.  If you've read my blog over the past few months you might have picked up on something I have been working through.  Since December of 2009 an interesting series of events around my business has been unfolding.  In fact, I starting blogging about these events in January of this year. 

After my blog of last night I realized this morning that my vision is still right.  My purpose in life is to inspire and support the transformation of consciousness.  It then occurred to me that perhaps the reason I have experienced what I have around my business has been because through it all I desire to serve.  My vision fills me with joy.  The work I do through various online formats to inspire and support others in their consciousness and awareness lifts me up each day.  Is it any wonder then that with a focus so clearly on service that my creative energy is divided, and my business is just doing 'ok'?

This morning I was talking about this with my wife and I realized that my vision did not need to be revisited.  Rather, I need to embrace being my aware self more and more.  Her words of support had a deep feeling of truth.  And in that moment I was more clear than ever that through this journey self-knowledge will be key.  I do not need to try and be a teacher, or try to be a Practitioner, or Minister.  I simply need to bring my awareness to every moment, to live my vision by inspiring and supporting consciousness in myself, and therefore in all.  There is a beautiful guarantee; if we show up and do our part, God will take care of the rest.  This is really all I need to know.

And so with this thought in my mind I was driving this afternoon and asked God for a sign.  I wanted something obvious to tell me if these realizations were the path that would carry me forward toward my purpose.  Tonight in Second Life one of the students stepped up.  She had taken the time to prepare to take over the meditations by preparing and making sure the announcements went out.  She then went on to share her story over the past 6 months.  And that for the past 5 months she had been coming to the daily meditations I facilitate.  I was struck by her words as she explained that Eckhart Tolle, a Course in Miracles, and I were the teachers closest to her heart.  With those few touching words I felt the realization, the sign that I had asked for.

Over the past 6 months I have been simply showing up in Second Life to lead a daily meditation.  I have not necessarily been trying to teach per se.  Rather, I started this with the basic premise that I would meditate every day.  Why not bring this into a virtual setting through the Internet?

And so thank you, Pat, for being an expression of a sign I had asked for.  Your self-professed journey over the past 6 months is a living embodiment of my purpose to inspire and support the transformation of consciousness.  I am clear now.  I simply need to bring my awareness to every moment, to live my vision by inspiring and supporting consciousness in myself.  So long as I do my part, God will do their part.   Everything will unfold exactly as it should.  How do I know?  Well, a sign is a start, but if truth be told, I have faith.

Know the Flow as you go, my friends.  You are more loved than you could possibly imagine.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Life is a Teacher, a Retreat a State of Mind

A most interesting thing happened tonight.  After 7 of us were gathered in a room to begin the retreat the facilitator, Dr. James Golden, explained that we would not be proceeding with the retreat.  Strangely enough I did not feel alarm or disappointment at this news, but nodded as he explained that normally the retreat format he followed required a minimum of 15 people and that such numbers in his experience empowered the process of consciousness and unfolding.

We did sit around for a couple of hours though.  A couple of attendees asked questions.  One was about meditation and another about spiritual teachers (James Golden has studied with some very well-known and notable teachers).  As I consider what he shared I have no doubts as to his depth and perspective as a metaphysician, and I celebrate him showing up with integrity and authenticity to know what felt right and what did not.

As I sit back and reflect upon this I am drawn to the idea that life is a teacher and that I do not need a special weekend with a special teacher to go on retreat.  Even if I break events down I can see clearly that arrangements have been made for my daughter until Sunday and that my wife has her weekend booked with Fringe plays.  It occurs to me that this weekend is obviously a gift for me to go on my own little retreat.  And so I shall know the Flow as I go, and allow the Divine to guide me in working with my Sacred Self.

I celebrate this realization.  One of the things that James shared was that in his mind that a 'spiritual teacher' ran the risk of being a trap.  It is a fine line to live the role of 'teacher' whilst managing the egoic mind wanting to advance its agenda, and muddying the waters of who the teacher actually is.  And in turn, for the student it is also a fine line to live the role of 'student' whilst managing the egoic mind wanting to abdicate responsibility to someone wiser than they, as if the answers would come from someone who is 'closer to God' (as if such a thing is actually true).  After all, ego notwithstanding are not all teachers and gurus ultimately sourced the same, just inhabiting a different body?

It is no coincidence that over the past few months I have been thinking about the idea of whether a teacher might enter into my life.  I even wondered at the timing of such reflection and the arrival of Dr. James Golden's retreat.  It cannot be a coincidence that the very same person should speak about the 'trap-potential' of a teacher also cancelled the retreat.  And as I journal this experience I am clear that life is a teacher, and that I can enter into retreat at any time.  All I need is to choose the state of mind to do so.

Know the Flow as you go, my friends.  Even when the most unexpected events transpire.

Preparing for a Spiritual Retreat

Yes, as of 6pm tonight I will be re-treating myself for a weekend.  I get to spend three days with Dr. James Golden at the Centre for Spiritual Living in Edmonton.

The past couple of weeks have been interesting from an emotional point of view.  It would seem that in order to prepare to treat myself in retreat that stuff under the surface is now making it way outward.  Only yesterday I was speaking with my wife, describing the emotional struggle I have been facing over the past couple of days.  She pointed out that the timing was interesting; that I should be feeling turmoil around my current business efforts was likely a part of preparing for the retreat.

My wife often has great wisdom to share.  I am certain that in that moment something was unlocked.  And a little later that day I was reminded of the idea that it is embracing the mystery of life that makes for the most profound of journies.  I might not know the how of but that's actually alright.  If anything it is knowing that the Divine is in all things that counts.

And so as I go through this preparation I am inspired with a realization that two central ideas have surfaced for me:
- It is time to revisit my personal vision for my professional life
- I am ready to release the emotional reactions that have been hindering me for so many years

Interestingly, yesterday was a very intense day for me emotionally.  It was as if the result from my Practitioner exam was a sign saying that I am moving toward Ministry while the emotional rollercoaster ride of my business consulting, along with a series of contradictory experiences, was saying the self-image around myself as a consultant was being shattered. 

Each day I venture further into being a Practitioner is another day I am reminded that ultimately my desire to serve and support the transformation of consciousness is the greatest calling of all.  Yet I am finding myself in this no-mans-land of not being a Minister or in full time ministry and the need to continue in my role as a business consultant.  However, even the journalling (sharing of this with you in this blog) is surfacing the realization that this is exactly as it should be.  How things will unfold is a mystery.  I can content myself with the knowledge that I have stated the intent to live life in service as a Practitioner.  The Universe is conspiring to support me in this and the only thing that can get in the way is my forgetting this.

The wonderful bonus of all this - if any questions about what we want to work on during the retreat are asked I will have an idea or two.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Passed my Practitioner Exam!

I got the news today - I passed my written Practitioner exam.  We wrote the exam on June 12th, 2010.  I studied very hard for it and feel delighted with the 97% I scored.  That is a major hurdle taken care of in this process.

I also celebrate that all 8 Practitioner candidates in the class passed!  This is a magnificent accomplishment and speaks to the quality of both the teachers and the students.  What a privilege to be counted amongst so many wonderful expressions of the Divine.

The next steps are: Finalize the Practicum requirements (I am in the process of getting demonstration letters),  and an oral panel around September to October.  Once we successfully complete the Oral panel we're done!  At that point I'd apply to be a Licensed Practitioner.  Following that I am hoping to go on and take Ministerial studies.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sweet, Raspberry Abundance

Yesterday I had the great pleasure, for the second consecutive weekend, to pick raspberries from my garden.  I would suggest that if you ever want to be reminded of abundance pick fruit.  For that matter, if you are so blessed with a garden, I thoroughly recommend growing some form of vegetable or fruit.  There is something truly magnificent about getting down and dirty with nature.

This is my third year of picking from these raspberry bushes.  Each year I get a little wiser and a little smarter in the ways of picking.  This year in particular has seen this activity become a fabulous meditation.  I clear my mind and with a stool, a pair of gloves (raspberries are a little prickly in case you didn't know), and my trusty bucket I go forth and gather sweetness.  And yet as I moved through those thorny bushes I could not help at marvel at the analogy to life.  I would be constantly amazed as I turned over a new leaf only to find a cluster of sweet, juicy, ripe raspberries.  Those little berries were often hidden from plain sight but when I searched with a knowing I always found more.  If anything, after nearly two hours I had to stop, some 7 pounds of raspberries the richer. 

After a couple of weekends picking I am now 8 large jars of raspberry jam the richer.  I shall have the pleasure of enjoying jam that was the fruit of my planting, picking and preparing.  To have an opportunity of producing what I eat is quite humbling.  Nature may be beautiful to behold, but awareness of the Truth behind all things, of the Infinite source and supply that surrounds us is a richer blessing still.

Know the Flow as you go, my friends.