Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Meditation, a Powerful Tool for Transformation

Sometimes things happen and are said that just blow you away.  Tonight I logged into second life and was greeted with the following message:
"Thanks to the meditations that i came to and the power of positive thinking you have helped me lose 50 lbs and i am now down to 255 pounds."
I like to think that I do not do this for recognition.  I don't log into Second Life every night to facilitate meditation to have someone say something like this.  But it is very inspiring to hear this sort of testimony.  This person has shown up and done the work.  I actually did very little except perhaps remind them of what they had within, the potential of their own power. 

More importantly, it's clear that they have embarked upon a daily spiritual practice.  I was thinking earlier on that for me the daily practice at clearing away the chatter and quietening the mind has helped me to become more skilful at managing my mind.  In turn, my life has been transformed.  And as I read that message I can   see that they are showing up and practicing. 

Meditation is only a tool.  But it is one of the most powerful tools I know to support one who travels the spiritual path.  I have the feeling that this person has only just begun.  Once you see a transformation like this in your life as a result of daily spiritual practice your belief and faith grows.  The only suggestion I would add is; keep it up!  If you know a tool is working for you, keep using it.

Know the Flow as you go, my friends.  If you knew how much love you are surrounded by you would never know fear again.

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