Sunday, February 14, 2010

May the Force be With You

So, did you ever see Star Wars?  Do you remember Yoda?  The little green man, who, if you listened really, really carefully to the dialogue, would relate some very spiritual ideas and concepts? 

I do.  In fact, for many years I've always felt that Yoda, and to some extent Obi-Wan were written around some very mystical archetypes and ideas.  Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not about to talk about how we all need to become Jedi Knights and live in a Lucas space opera fantasy, but I do see some very interesting parallels between the Jedi Code as related by Yoda and the philosophy I follow.

Those of you who know me well may be aware that over the years I've enjoyed my fair share of video games.  Of late I've put them down to focus and manage time.  However, I started reading about a new Star Wars game that will be coming out in 2011 (Star Wars: The Old Republic).  My mind jumped back to the earlier ideas I'd about the similarities between the Jedi Code and New Thought. 

And so I started to do some research.  The deeper I dug the more similarities I found.  In fact, it's becoming very clear that many of the ideas contained within the Jedi Code are based on Eastern Philosophy. 

The next day I had the idea to bring these ideas together through story.  What if one could talk about and relate New Thought and SOM principles through a Star Wars story?  And so, setting out on an experiment to see how this would work I started to write some fiction, set in a galaxy far, far away, a long time ago. 

After 2 days I've just finished writing over 8,000 words, or 32 pages!  In short, I've never experienced such creative flow.  I won't post all 32 pages here in this blog, but I would like to share an excerpt.  Have a read, and see if you can spot how I've attempted to relate some of the New Thought principles within this passage.  And as you read, feel free to replace the word 'Force' with the word 'Divine'.

Know the Flow as you go (or is that Force?)

Tookmah and Mysticar sat in front of their tents. Their mission to investigate strange reports of activity around some Sith ruins had brought them to Yavin IV. The first day had yielded no information but in Tookmah's mind this was not why he had brought the Padawan along.

The Jedi Master waited until the young man had finished eating and looked at him from across the clearing. The sun had nearly set. "I had something I wished to discuss with you." Tookmah had made sure that he was ready to deliver this news; he didn't want the Padawan's Force Sense to forewarn him, and there was a purpose behind his intent to surprise with news of his Guardian's death last year. "I received word just before we left regarding Ben'wa's death."

Mysticar looked up, carefully disposing of the remnants of his meal. He did not speak, but it was clear his focus was present. The Jedi Master continued.

"Intelligence has surfaced regarding what happened. Reports are indicating that Ben'wa was killed. His final project involved valuable discoveries into composite armour research. At first there no was suspicion of foul play because the initial investigation found nothing untoward. However, when his primary client on this project followed up their investigations determined gaps in his research logs and missing materials." Tookmah paused a moment, eyes not leaving the young Padawan.

For his part Mysticar was listening carefully. He took the gap as an opportunity to reflect. A year old memory jumped into his head. He had felt right in not pressing for the how or the why, and yet here the Force was delivering them to him. This past year he had spent considerable time meditating and contemplating his feelings around Ben'wa's death. One of the greatest insights of his life had come to him. He realised that his belief about Ben'wa's role in his life had resulted in attachment. This belief had influenced his feelings, and when learning of his guardian's death those same feelings as expressed as emotions. The Padawan's insight had been to contemplate his belief. By understanding the hidden aspects of that belief, by working through the memories and associations, he had come to a place where the belief had changed. In effect, he had reprogrammed his belief. In turn, how this belief influenced his feelings had changed. The net benefit was that with this insight how his feelings expressed as emotions had changed. He had moved not only into acceptance of Ben'wa's death in the truest sense of the word, but had come to unlock a key lesson. Confronting one's feelings and searching them required one to look beyond the surface to cause. By unearthing hidden beliefs and values he had been able to see the whole situation a different way. This was more than acceptance, it was a life lesson and evolution on the young Padawan's part.

As a result this news was taken quite differently by the Padawan. He nodded, his feelings clear, his mind open and awaiting more information. Tookmah had not only been looking with his eyes but also his Force Sense. "Yes, has learned...calm...excellent," he thought as he continued.

"The corporation triggered an investigation. The project that Ben'wa had been working on was on the Republic's radar. They were not only interested but were an active sponsor behind the corporation's sponsorship of the project. A few weeks ago the Jedi Council was asked to investigate. One of their own industrial espionage teams was compromised. And it was not so much the manner of events as reports of how their efforts were foiled. The team was killed with little trace but a broadcasted recording was unearthed. It turns out one of the team had anticipated a deeper level of intrigue and had acted independently to record a key event. The result being the discovery of the use of the Force during the event of their death. When presented with this evidence the Council came to conclude that the Sith were behind these events."

Mysticar listened actively. He could sense the benefit of having done the work he had; by confronting his feelings he had not only grown but could appreciate the benefits in the next moment. A realization sprung into his mind. "We are not here to investigate strange activities in the ruins are we?"

The Jedi Master nodded once. "Very good young Padawan."

"It is believed that something can be found amongst the ruins of the target area?" The young Padawan stopped speaking and closed his eyes. Almost instantly he cleared his mind. The time for intellectual speculation was done. He was a firm believer that use of the Force was a privilege. Any conscious effort on his part was done sparingly: Always he would seek to clear himself with the intent to allow the Will of the Force to work through him. A part of him briefly felt satisfaction; this event, the purposefully timed delivery on Tookmah's part, and the clarity of response was proving that had grown; no, it was more than that. It was almost as if lightning was running down his neck.

The Padawan knew that this moment was an exception. Clearing his mind he sent a question out to the Force and then released any attachment to the response.

Master Tookmah watched, his own mind processing the reaction. "Yes, very good young Padawan...You 'have' learned well," he thought to himself.  It was one thing to have sensed the peace of a year ago when the young man had approached him after processing the news of Ben'wa's death, but what he was witnessing was exceptional. The Jedi Master continued to observe with his Force Sense, reaching out to the emotions and thoughts of Mysticar. He smiled to himself and then opened his eyes.

"Master, allow me to go to the ruins. An idea has just come to me."

The Jedi Master needed no convincing. He knew the Force was working its will and he also could sense that an event of significance had just manifested for the Padawan. Without another word the Master gathered his robes about him and closed his own eyes. "May the Force be with you."

Mysticar nodded and replied, "I shall know it's Flow as I go, Master." Without another word the Padawan quietly moved back toward the ruins.

A short while later he stood a short distance from the entrance, eyes scanning the vicinity. Closing his eyes he stopped and cleared his mind. For minutes he stood, silently, mind empty of all emotion and thought. And then it came. The image of a path leading away from the ruins jumped into his mind. He saw himself reaching into the underbrush and finding a disk.

The Padawan returned to the campsite and stopping before his Master handed him the disk. "I think we will find what we came for is on this disk."

Master Tookmah smiled. "Excellent work young Padawan. Not only did you avoid the danger of being discovered by the troopers at the Ruins but more importantly you allowed the Force to seek balance through you. This whole affair is typical of the cancerous motivations of the Dark Side. You removed yourself and your own reasoning, in spite of the emotional stakes at hand, and you allowed the Force to work its will through you. Your spirit is exceptional and my report to the Council will include this."

The Jedi Master said nothing more, but allowed a smile to surface as Mysticar began the process of removing all traces of their presence. They both knew that a return to the Jedi Council was the next move.

1 comment:

  1. I was on my way out the door to a book discussion group last Sunday night when I came upon this post. The book up for discussion: The Force Is With Us: The Higher Consciousness That Science Refuses to Accept. On my night table at the time was this: The Tao of Star Wars (one of my favorite books explaining Taoism). And then I come across your post! More synchronicity in action. I enjoyed reading and learned from the excerpt you shared here. If you've really written 8000 words so far, it sounds like you have the makings of a book. With the ongoing interest in "The Force" I think you really have something there. I like how, in these times a lot of us are realizing that all the different words we use---Force; Source; Divine; Allah; Buddha Mind; Universal Intelligence & many more---are all really talking about the same thing. I'm reading much about the "Thing" lately, and applaud you for contributing to the flow.
