Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Power of the Mind

I read an article in the Edmonton Journal today that spoke about the mind control of computers going from sci-fiction into the real world.  It turns out a Toronto company is showing off a new technology at the Olympics where you strap a sensor to your head and through thought alone you can levitate a chair you are sitting in. 

And so yet one more law/principle is discovered and proven, as our understanding evolves.  The idea of the power of the mind physically controlling something hints at what is yet to come.  Just imagine where this might go.  What about removing the need to type on a keyboard?  Or interfacing directly into a computer, your thoughts translated and acted upon by a computer.  The possibilities of this are very interesting.

It turns out that using the power of the mind to levitate a chair WAS possible after all! Who would have thunk it? 

At the same time I cannot help but wonder if this is also a profound evolutionary moment.  Here we can see a physical manifestation of what the mind can do, not only in conceiving the technology itself but in harnessing the power of thought.  Maybe this will get more people thinking about the power of thought?  Perhaps such progress will spark more diverse enquiry?  On the surface this story is about technology using the brain waves to move a physical object.  The immediate idea that comes to my mind is that beneath the surface is the burgeoning of a much greater appreciation of what the power of the mind might be.  And we've only just scratched the surface.

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