Friday, March 6, 2009

Good News

There was a day when I struggled to read the paper or watch the news. When I made the decision to live a more conscious and aware lifestyle I became acutely aware of how much bad news there is out in the world.

At first I struggled with this. I stopped watching the news or reading the paper. And then I realized that that's akin to being like the spiritual guru that goes off to live as a hermit in a cave somewhere mysterious; sure, you've transcended that moment for yourself but you're hardly transcending life nor will you acquire many ideas on how to inspire others.

However, on some days I open the paper and I am offered additional blessings. One page in particular caught my attention in the Edmonton Journal today. The headline read: Religious brains more calm in face of anxiety.

It got better. "The brains of religious people are calmer in the face of error and uncertainty than doubters, Canadian university researchers have found." I will confess that I was hooked, and read on.

"Compared to non-reigious subjects, the highly religious had 33 percent less activity in the anterior cingulated cortex, the part of our brain that regulates anxiety. Those certain of God's existence had 45 per cent less activity in this region compared to those convinced there is no God. The religious people weren't just calm, they were more accurate."

Why do I think this occurs? Well, in short my spiritual, or religious, perspective has brought me to a place where I have faith that there's an Infinite power for good in the universe. The key is making the choice to know that Infinite power is on your side. Do that and that article makes a lot of sense. Of course I am calmer and more accurate; I engage in the world with faith that I can control my conditions and that things will work out according to the vision I create for myself. And in turn, because I am calmer my brain has a better capacity to perform. What's there not to like about being 45% less anxious?

Every so often I am reminded that there's a good reason to engage living your spiritual philosophy. This article confirms what I already knew; since finding my spiritual perspective I've been calmer and better at what I do and my mind is clearer. If I had remained a cave-hermit and refused to read or watch the news I'd have missed this, and in turn never would have blogged about it either. Now isn't that good news?

Blessings, joy and peace my friends!

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