Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Force is with Me

On January 14th, 2010 I blogged about The Power of Disappointment here.  At the time I felt clear and inspired by the experience that had unfolded, and celebrated my growth.  My response to the person on the other end of that shared experience had been in loving kindness.  May I ever have such awareness.

But there's more: Events over the past few weeks have prompted yet another reason to celebrate today.

But before I continue I also have to refer you to a more recent blog titled, May the Force be With You.  In this blog I talked about a crazy weekend where I wrote over 8,000 words around an idea I had for a science fiction novel in the Star Wars universe.

A few weeks later I've got an epic plot outline (a mix of murder mystery, conspiracy, space battes, lightsabers, use of the Force, and a threat to the very galaxy itself), a cast of characters, and I'm over 15,000 words into a fiictional book of spiritual-philosophy that is turning into an amazing experience for me.  And the point of this blog? Well, had the private equity deal gone through I never would have had time to do this.  When it comes down to it, I feel that for me in this moment that writing a fictional story about spiritual principles and spiritual Truth through the eyes of characters facing an epic challenge to overcome is far more meaningful to my journey than making millions of dollars growing a business.  Not only is it more directly in line with my life vision to inspire and support the transformation of all, but it's causing me to deeply examine my beliefs about the nature of the Universe and how to relate them in writing.

I've no idea as to the specific outcome for this book.  I do know that this book will be a wonderful expression of the Divine.  Only yesterday morning I wrote 2,300 words in just over 2 hours (that's about 9 pages!).  When the flow is that fast, and that furious, something is clearly afoot.  The purpose and vision for this book is clear.  And no matter whether it is accepted by Lucas Books for formal publication, or one of the literary agents I've begun to approach takes me on board, or some other wonderful unfolding of synchronicity unfolds, this is a life changing moment for me.

I love to write, I love to explore and expand my understanding of my spiritualty, and I love to inspire others.  This undertaking will do more for my personal growth than focusing on dollars and business could do.  And just to think, how easy it could have been to have let frustration at an attachment get in the way of this flow.  Just because we cannot see our most beautiful expression unfolding in what we perceive as a failure does not mean we are failing.  It might be impossible to see all ends but I had to share the wondrous realization I had today.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your project. Keep at it. I really enjoyed the meditation yesterday, it really shifted a bunch of stuff that was clogging up the way...

    You might enjoy my Star Wars Tarot illustrations here

    Goddess Bless You!
