Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Vipassana Meditation and Effortlessness

Last Friday I applied to go on the Vipassana Meditation course in BC with the Vipassana Foundation from January 19th-30th (http://www.dhamma.org/).  This morning I received a response indicating that they are processing my application.  Assuming that it is meant to be I shall be on retreat for the second half of January, 2011.

I am looking forward to this meditation course with a deep sense of knowing, allowing, love, peace, and joy.  From what I have heard and read this will be a profound experience and opportunity to deepen my understanding of meditation, and to immerse myself in the deepest form of observation.  The idea of meditating for 10 days in silence, without making eye contact, and not moving for hours at a time are physical elements that I know I am ready for.  And from an even deeper perspective I know that this is a very powerful opportunity for me.  I will confess that there was a part of me that upon reviewing the requirements and expectations did pause.  But the sense of knowing around this was so deep that I brushed this thought aside within seconds.

Over the past 9 months I have been leading a meditation every night in Second Life. In addition, I have had the chance to support the teaching of a meditation course at the Centre for Spiritual Living, Edmonton. I know that this course is coming at the perfect time. Conditions in my life have made way for this opening in an effortless fashion thus far.  And as someone who leads meditation every day the idea of deepening my knowledge around the spiritual practice of meditation with others who have dedicated their lives to this service strikes me as Divinely right.

I have been impressed with the Visassana Foundation's website.  The whole process so far has been effortless, and I think it is a powerful statement that the organizers would offer such a course on a donation basis.  But 'effortless' is a word that seems to keep cropping up in my consciousness of late.

Taking a step back I am reminded of an axiom I live by; often, when things are meant to be, and we are truly ready, events and conditions will unfold effortlessly and with grace.  This is not to say that everything will unfold effortlessly all of the time, but the past couple of days have reminded me of this once again.  In Second Life we have been meditating at the same location since the group's inception.  However, upon logging in on Sunday night I was struck by the desire to change locations for the meditation circle.  And heeding this inner pull I sent out a message to a friend who is involved with a group that owns and maintains a number of sims (a sim is a virtual space in Second Life, often in the form of an island).  I asked if I could move the meditation circle to one of their sims.  The answer was an immediate yes, and upon arriving last night I was struck by the beautiful words and presence of my our new hosts.  When something is so effortless one cannot help but stand back and simply allow.  How beautiful is that!

Know the Flow as you go, brothers and sisters in light.


  1. Retreats really made a lot of changes in someone's life, specially the spiritual retreats.
    I've been to one of it and it's really a one-of-kind experience.

  2. Indeed. I was just at the Circle of Love Gathering 2010 on Quadra Island at the end of September and was profoundly moved by it. The opportunity to go on yet one more retreat within a few months leaves me feeling very blessed and abundant.
