Friday, February 6, 2009


The concept of meditation grows on me. The approach given by Joel Goldsmith resonates. "The secret of meditation is silence: No repetitions, no affirmations, no denials - just the acknowledgement of God's allness, and then the deep, deep silence which announces God's Presence."

I now find myself sinking into a listening state more easily. During the past few meditations I have felt a jolt and then a shift into a deeper awareness – deeper peace. For some time, many years I believe, I have meditated in some ways yet not quite in this way so regularly when alone. A part of me resisted taking the time to meditate regularly each day. In the past I would say that I would have waking meditations. And I believe I did. I would quietly go about the world, driving, working, or even taking some time apart, to listen.

But taking any journey provides us an opportunity to compare stops along the way. Looking out of the windows from the train of life can be like a blur or crisp snapshots of clarity. Open fields can fold into structure, the regular clanking of wheels upon rails reminding us of how we travel.

As the train pulls into my latest stop I can see that the station has many names: Mindfulness, Seeking God without Purpose, Spiritual sonship as the One Mind works through me. Yet what I am realizing is that the frequency of stops is increasing. At first the train might pause once or twice a week, and then most days. Now it is as if the stops are the blur where structure is morphing into openness.

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