Sunday, May 24, 2009

Faith, Part 1/3

Yesterday I wrote a thought paper on Faith as a part of my spiritual studies. It occurred to me to share it here. Given the length of the paper (1500 words) I thought I'd break it into 3 parts. Here's part 1.

The extent to which you can know all is good, regardless of the conditions about you, is a measure of your faith. The truth is the truth; it is how we measure it that defines a lot or a little for your experience. The question then becomes, how much faith do you have? And what does faith mean to you?

Faith is based on your thinking “I can”, “I know”, and “I have.” Faith is supported by ideas of what is and the way it works. In this light faith should mean that all is good to you. Faith is then an alignment with the universe, where the individual mind knows the One Mind, its completeness, and the Reality of the I AM. If you live in a place of fear, of lack, then your faith defines your experience as one of lack.We can use faith to overturn and replace our thinking in the negative. Through faith we can transform thought to a place where we claim our divine nature utterly, without any pause of doubt, where we come to a place that is holy. In this holy place we can begin to see the boundless Infinity about us, know the Divine that looks back at us, and see the light in all, ground and sky alike.

The picture that resonates with God is one where we feast on health, wealth and love. In such a state of mind our faith aligns with the bounty of God. God wants only good for us, and if we focus on the bountiful health, wealth and love in the ‘everything’ that is God, then we will truly be reflecting the God that is within with the God that is in all.

Although we need not understand why it is clear to me that there is a force within us all that pushes us forward and upward. This inner spark only needs to be inspired to flame by faith and belief. As our faith illuminates us our light expands the light of life. In this moment of faith we are arriving at the very thing we were called upon to do – to live life wholly.

This inner force pushing us on has influenced the behaviour of mankind in recorded history. Whether through religion, the evolution of arts and sciences, the cosmos, astrology, or philosophy, we have had an insatiable curiosity to better understand faith. How is it that an unseen force is so compelling; can so drive us to seek? And then there is the most profound paradox of all; why are the multitude of answers so divisive and different? Does the knife edge of life, with fear one side and love the other, cut us so? Perhaps the answer is to be found in consciously applying ourselves to the search from a place centred in love and acceptance?

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