Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Faith, Part 2/3

Differences in faith are not the point of life. It is not through a comparison of our faith to another that we can truly evolve. We must accept that another’s interpretation of the unseen nature of the universe and their faith in it is exactly as it needs to be for them. It is for us to truly come to understand our faith, what it means to us, what beliefs we have, and what attitudes and values we take into life.

The Universe will continue to be with, or without, our faith in it. However, when we have faith in an unseen power in the Universe working for us this merely shows that we understand the nature of how things are. This is a compelling mindset to take with the Universe. And any compulsion tends to build upon itself.

The question then becomes, do we have faith in fear or in love? And more importantly, is fear but an absence of faith in love? In turn, we find ourselves with a simple realization; there is either faith in love or there is nothing.

Steven Warren wrote that, “Faith, then, becomes the medium through which we manifest God.” We are god – in having faith we manifest that divine aspect of ourselves. If this is the case, then the manner in which we approach faith is as integral to the process of creating our conditions as our beliefs and attitudes are. Holding our faith close is an opportunity regardless of whatever might shake it. When distressing times appear about us how much harder is it to maintain our faith in an unseen power for good working for us? Yet, if you could face the more serious of conditions and have faith through them then your faith would be the strongest of all. And if that were so, would you not be manifesting the God that you are in the most divine way?

I have faith that when I flip the switch lights will come on. How then do I feel when they do not? Do I abandon my quest to light the room? No. I might check the bulb, or other lights to see what the cause is. With life, and faith in an unseen power, we must learn to adapt our perspective on conditions which shake our faith. But if we fear that there will never be power again what would we do? Our state of mind would work against us. And so it is with life. By having a faith to call our own and believing in it we can bring forth our own light.

In the realization of faith, and the holding to it, we both bring a light into the world and an opportunity for ourselves to work with that light. In having faith of an unseen power for good in the Universe we have a choice to guide others, our light lighting the path so that others may choose to see. We should not be attached to whether others follow that path, for such an attachment would be based on a fear that we are somehow lessened because another did not follow our light or our faith. Rather we must know that all have what they need for their journey and expression through God. We must focus on bearing our torch, on our thinking, on asking and doing what we can to add to that unseen force for good.

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