Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I had an amazing event happen yesterday.  I can't get into details but suffice to say if things go as I'd like I will have a lot of freedom in my business future, to do what I am most passionate about, and accelerate the vision I have.

The beautiful thing about all this is that I've been focusing very clearly on creating financial freedom in the past.  I've been very deliberate in not getting specific in treatment.  When I'm in a position to share I am confident that you'll be wowed as I am, and see what I mean.

What was doubly intriguing though was that over the past week I've been reading about Freedom in class and meditating on the ideas of calmness, awareness, and grace.  After yesterday's meeting and the ensuing moment of excitement I felt myself suddenly feel very calm.  In my mind I heard the line, "...wonders never cease."  I realized that that could be the new greeting to replace "I'm divine."  I also realized that whilst it is sweet to find the light in darkness, that it's also very sweet to recognize grace during the moments of sweet success.

And then I got back to thinking about freedom and how closely it's connected to Unity.

The search of the human mind,
is to be freed of objective chains,
shatter links of lack, want and poverty,
the fear of hereafter and pain.

We want to feel there's good,
in the world in which we partake,
to soothe split of being from self,
to integrate but not to forsake.

And yet in our quest for freedom,
we may swap one image for another.
Condemnation toward others,
strands ego that's left to recover.

For the mind to know true liberty,
without the self imposing will,
is as rare as actualization,
upon thinking of highest skill.

If Infinity cannot be divided,
upon itself, indivisbly,
then we must rediscover the axiom,
that with freedom walks Unity.

Copyright (c) 2009, Carmien Owen

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