Sunday, May 2, 2010

A Demonstration via Second Life

Recently I blogged about how the Internet has personally touched me.  Well, it turns out that something magnificent is indeed unfolding. 

I had the honour to be asked to support someone in a Practitioner session in Second Life a few weeks ago.  For those of you who do not know, a Practitioner is someone who trains in the art and science of Affirmative Prayer.  We are trained to listen from a place of love, to know the Divine nature of those who share with us, to teach spiritual principles, and to offer an Affirmative Prayer as a part of shifting the mental cause and supporting the transformation on the part of the person we are working with.  In order to complete my Professional Practitioner designation (RScP) I have to get three letters of demonstration where a client expresses how the support I have offered has manifested in a meaningful way in their lives.

Today I received my first demonstration letter!  And what's more, it was as a result of my service on the Internet and through Second Life.  And so I celebrate that not only have I been personally touched by the Internet, but I can point to at least one other person who has been touched by my service in a tangible way.

On another note, I am 16 verses into a poem on Surrender.  I hope to have it finished soon and will share it with you as soon as it is!

Know the Flow as you go

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