Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Celebrating Manifestation

Perhaps my second favourite spiritual practice (the first being Meditation) is to celebrate.  As I was driving home tonight I was struck by the past two days and how much I have to celebrate.  What better place to celebrate than through my online journal (or blog - my third favourite spiritual practice)?

On Monday night I had the pleasure, as a Teaching Assistant to the Edmonton Centre for Spiritual Living Foundations class, to witness half the class complete their course and present their final projects.  The level of consciousness was amazing.  But perhaps the most touching moment for me was something that resulted from a seed planted on my part many months ago.

Back in October of 2009 I had the great honour of sponsoring Michael Bernard Beckwith, the spiritual leader of the Agape centre and inspiring spiritual liberator, coming to Edmonton.  I run a business and when I heard that the centre was looking for corporate sponsors I immediately grabbed the sponsorship package.  Within about a minute I was writing a significant cheque to be the headlining sponsor.  At the time I knew that this was not about marketing, or getting business.  I had heard Michael Beckwith from afar (on the movie The Secret and a couple of videos) and had resonated with his passion and his spirituality.  I knew that my sponsoring this event was really a form of giving to help bring Michael to us in Edmonton.

So imagine my surprise when two of the students that shared their project informed us that they had come to the centre after attending Michael's event!  My heart filled with love and in that moment as I considered the growth they'd shown over the past 16 weeks and what they were presenting that night that I had had a part, albeit tiny, in helping them to discover the philosophy I love so dearly.  In effect, I was witnessing a manifestation of exactly the intent I had set back in late 2009.

What is interesting is that last week I had been working through perceived challenges around abundance.  It seems that I have been wrestling additional hidden beliefs around worth and last week involved a lot of prayer and meditation on my part.  I did not blog about this challenge but I did share it with the Second Life meditation circle.  By Wednesday I had identified the belief, prayed for it and could feel the shift within my heart.  By this Monday a sign of my abundance became clear.  The money I have is God's money.  When I serve God with the money I earn through my business it WILL be magnified and returned in wondrous ways.  The testimony of those two students came at a most Divine time!

The message of this blog is perhaps centred around celebration.  Every day seems to present me an experience or an event that humbles me, that reminds me of how beautiful and perfect life is.  And each day it is for me to discern the perfection and to celebrate it.  And the more bitter the challenges and trials, the sweeter it will taste when you come through the other side.

Know the Flow as you go

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful pay back, supporting enlightment in others
