Friday, June 11, 2010

The Game of Spiritual Risk

With my Professional Practitioner written exam tomorrow morning I have spent much of my spare time this week studying.  However, I did want to take some time to share a story with you.  On Monday night I had the great pleasure to be at a Science of Mind Foundations class where students were delivering their projects.  There were many wonderful presentations but one in particular is begging to be told.

One student told of a story of a game of Risk he had played the night before.  He was playing it with 2 other people, one of whom had been working in the field of professional development for over 20 years.  He decided to apply spiritual principles as he played.  His opponents were apparently quite vocal in their efforts to dissuade him from this approach, since, apparently, the game could not be won this way, and well, that's just not how it is played. "It's all about taking risks," they said.  

Unflinching, he forged on with this approach certain that it would work.  For example, he applied the principle of taking only what he needed by stopping as soon as he took one country.  As they played he would explain each principle that he was applying.        

And much to everyone's surprise he won.  What stuck me was that he explained that when he won he didn't get excited.  He simply had a calm feeling of, "that was let's move on.". Of all the things that he said this stood out as the sign that he had truly embraced somethingi beautiful in his life and that his understanding and experience had grown.  In my experience when I act from a place of calm knowing I am on course with the Divine.

As I consider this young man and that night I am struck by a perceived shift.  Even as I think back to 5 years ago and the consciousness of students coming into class and what I witnessed this week it is becoming ever more apparent that there is a definite elevation of awareness and grasping of spiritual principles.  I am sure this evolution of consciousness has been going on for eternity.  In addition, it is one thing to talk about a spiritual idea, but quite another to apply them and to be able to explain them in such an accessible way to others.  

Certainly his oratory ability had something to do with the delivery and its impact.  However, all told I was graced with about 10 project presentations.  Each one was unique, different, and yet extremely profound.  Each student stepped forth and demonstrated the realization that sharing how they understand living life mindfully is not a risk, but an opportunity.  

Depending on your perspective you might believe that every choice is a risk.  There is the possibility that our choices could lead us down a path that we did not intend.  But I know that the consequence of every choice is a gift.  And the gift of life is to make our choices with a clear understanding and knowing that every condition is not a risk that materialized, but an opportunity to gain a greater self awareness.  When we hold such a consciousness we can only grow, and our experience will become a virtuous cycle that leads us ever back to the One.  And as this student proved applying spiritual principles as you take risks really is a sure way to win.

1 comment:

  1. "Living life mindfully is not a risk, but an opportunity."
    "The gift of life is to make our choices with a clear understanding and knowing that every condition is not a risk that materialized, but an opportunity to gain a greater self awareness."
    Resonate = let into and show me the path I wish vs. Secrets and Chasing feeling not fully included. =Did a 'feeling' not speak of God? Ponder, my beloved, for a moment,
    what's inside you that you see.
    Thank you for these words.
